
Showing posts from October, 2019


My next step I did was paint the house and the details around the house such as the framing around the windows and door. After that I finished my trees and did my finishing details. One of my problems was getting the door to a normal color. My other problem was making my trees pop out more from the grass. My solution was experimenting with different colors on the door until I found the right brown. My other solution was finding a darker green to make it a little darker then the grass.  In conclusion this project was a fun experience. Can't wait for the rest of the art class and I hope my finishing touches turns out great.


1.) I got the background painted starting with the sky and the mountains. Now I'm starting the detail such of the river, trees, and parts of the house. 2.) One problem I had was the mountains weren't really an accurate color to my artist. Also the grass was to bright of a color and wasn't very realistic.k 3.) I repainted with a darker brown to cover the brightness. I also added darker greens to the grass so it was darker but also blended in. 4.) My project is looking good so far. I hope I can make it better.