
Showing posts from September, 2019


1.) First I got the plank paper, and the first thing I drew was the house. Next I started to do the landscape in the background. 2.) One problem was finding big enough paper. Another was the right material paper that I could paint on. 3.) I found some bigger paper in Mr. Ritter's room. I had to look harder for the more durable one. 4.) Inconclusion this project is gonna turn out pretty good and I'm a decent drawer.

Ron Lawson history post

1.) His most famous painting was the Triee Cottage like many of his paintings it was a landscape of a small cottage on the outside of town. 2.) He liked to use darker colors/acrylic paints. 3.) He lived and worked throughout Midlothian Scotland. 4.) His most productive time period was 2019. 5.) One of his most bizarre fact was he was a farmer before his art career began. 6.) The painting that inspired my work was the Triee Cottage because I really like to do landscape art. 7.)  .