

My next step I did was paint the house and the details around the house such as the framing around the windows and door. After that I finished my trees and did my finishing details. One of my problems was getting the door to a normal color. My other problem was making my trees pop out more from the grass. My solution was experimenting with different colors on the door until I found the right brown. My other solution was finding a darker green to make it a little darker then the grass.  In conclusion this project was a fun experience. Can't wait for the rest of the art class and I hope my finishing touches turns out great.


1.) I got the background painted starting with the sky and the mountains. Now I'm starting the detail such of the river, trees, and parts of the house. 2.) One problem I had was the mountains weren't really an accurate color to my artist. Also the grass was to bright of a color and wasn't very realistic.k 3.) I repainted with a darker brown to cover the brightness. I also added darker greens to the grass so it was darker but also blended in. 4.) My project is looking good so far. I hope I can make it better.


1.) First I got the plank paper, and the first thing I drew was the house. Next I started to do the landscape in the background. 2.) One problem was finding big enough paper. Another was the right material paper that I could paint on. 3.) I found some bigger paper in Mr. Ritter's room. I had to look harder for the more durable one. 4.) Inconclusion this project is gonna turn out pretty good and I'm a decent drawer.

Ron Lawson history post

1.) His most famous painting was the Triee Cottage like many of his paintings it was a landscape of a small cottage on the outside of town. 2.) He liked to use darker colors/acrylic paints. 3.) He lived and worked throughout Midlothian Scotland. 4.) His most productive time period was 2019. 5.) One of his most bizarre fact was he was a farmer before his art career began. 6.) The painting that inspired my work was the Triee Cottage because I really like to do landscape art. 7.)  .

grading criteria

Blog Grading Criteria The following criteria below outlines how each blog post will be graded Blog - Each blog post must contain specific criteria: Your blog will have: Eight complete sentences with proper capitalization, punctuation, and no spelling errors. Each blog post will be about your experience while working on your project. Your blog will contain the following information: Two sentences will describe in detail a project update. “What did I do on my project?” Two sentences will explain in detail my biggest problem while working on my project. Two sentences will explain in detail the solution to my biggest problem. Two sentences that conclude your post. Here are a few suggestions to help you with your conclusion: What do I plan to do next? What materials do I need? Or a simple wrap up. Two photos or images of my project are included. You are NOT required to be in the photos. Important Information Students are required to email Mr. Ritter a link to